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Thread: Sailors on the Astral Sea (Group 2 IC)

  1. - Top - End - #246
    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Big Apple's shadow

    Default Re: Sailors on the Astral Sea (Group 2 IC)


    Shifting his position to get a better line at one of the remaining Callers, Korgan fires another blast of violet energy. This time, the energy resembles a glowing, viscous globule of some vile liquid. As it impacts the Caller, it seems to somehow infect it. As the energy seeps into the creature, it tinges the cloud of spirits purple even as the Caller attempts to resist its effects. See how you like being made into a puppet! the sorceror shouts.

    I'll alter the post if Allys somehow kills or forces Caller 3 out of my range. But for now:

    Move: Shift to P5, sustaining AC at 31 and Reflex at 33
    Standard: Hostility Charm vs CiD3 Will - (1d20+25)[34], Psychic Damage - (5d6+27)[42]. On a miss, Caller 3 takes half damage. If, however, the attack hits, CiD3 takes a free action to charge the closest ally it can charge and makes a melee basic attack against it (albeit at -2 due to Psychic Lock)
    Minor: Discard, unless someone's in dire need of healing.
    Edit: Chaos Power pumps AC to 32, but it looks like I missed. Does Allys feel like dishing out some radiant damage?
    Last edited by Nahal; 2009-06-24 at 07:08 PM.