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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Atlanta, Georgia

    Default Re: Warlocks: Are they incredibly broken, and can they be fixed?

    In the case of the warlock, here's how you check...

    Make a level x warlock. Then make a level x fighter with archery feats. Spend about 1/2 the fighters Wealth by level on his bow and ammo. Pick a couple of monsters of that challenge rating, look at their defenses (AC, touch AC, SR and DR). See how many rounds of uninterrupted shooting it takes to kill them. Notice how the archer is usually faster. Warlock has more utility than the archer, but archer has better hp... Yes, Warlock will be comparatively better against monsters with low touch AC, high AC, no SR and damage resistance, and the opposite for the archer.

    So, the warlock takes up the same party role as the archer. Not quite as well, but with marginally better utility.

    Now do the same thing with a level x specialist wizard where x is greater than 5 or 6. This can be a blaster wizard, or one with lots of SoDs, either way. Now divide the wizard's spells per level by 4 (because he has to face 4 challenges per day.) Let the wizard cast all his buffs with durations longer than 1 hour, and repeat challenge above. Pick good spells for the wizard, which target the monsters vulnerabilities, because the wizard picked his spells for that day with some idea of where he is, and chooses the best of his spells memorized for each combat. Again, the wizard will usually be faster. The wizard is comparatively worse on days with more than 4 encounters, better on days with 1-3. Most campaigns I have seen are more likely to have less than 4 encounters per day than more. The wizard has more utility than the warlock, because he can pick his spells to the needs of the day.

    So the warlock takes up the same party role as the blaster wizard. Not quite as well, with worse utility.

    Last edited by Gnaeus; 2009-06-25 at 04:11 PM.