Quote Originally Posted by herrhauptmann View Post
Beyond the various issues I have with WoT (many which I won't discuss here), don't let the players get away with things just because they throw a temper tantrum.
You're DM, and the wording says 'lift,' not hold down. They're trying to duplicate a much higher spell AND skip the saving throw of the spell they're duplicating.

Padan Fain is the dark worshipper who got infected with the evil from that one haunted city, right?
Yep, he is.

But the problem is that the text says the arms can be used to turn keys and loosen knots etc. I suppose you're right, though. From now on, they can lift or deliver punches with the arms, because that's done in the books. I've found a nice rule for that.

Though, I find it logical that if you can use a force to push upwards, it might as well push downwards.