Quote Originally Posted by The Randomizer View Post
1) That's definitely valid. I didn't dispute that its good, i'm just saying it'll be fun and easy to parody
There's no fun in shooting fish in a barrel. Well, actually, there is some sort of amusement in it, but I can't help but see creating something of lower quality than one of the worst things you can find as nothing more than a pointless endeavour.
Quote Originally Posted by The Randomizer View Post
2) Ever hear of Squirrelking? He is the EMBODIMENT of 'so bad its good'
I have heard of him, and have dismissed him previously, along with Peter Chimaera. I'm not a big fan of their works.

Quote Originally Posted by SinisterPenguin View Post
Something Awful isn't really as bad as 4chan. Sure, it has a lot of problems, but it's not that bad and there's the occasional bit of comedy gold. It's not exactly a great site, but it's fun to read through occasionally.

But to each his own, I guess.
But Something Awful sits between ABR and 4chan, which is my point. You can also find gold in 4chan, but searching for it is akin to sifting through a sea of piss. Which is why I usually limit my 4chan browsing to a couple of boards, or more commonly, the threads that make in onto the archive sites.