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Thread: Twilight - Love it, or Hate it?

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    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Twilight - Love it, or Hate it?

    I love twilight.

    Taking into account that I've never actually *seen* one of the books (apart from covershots on the interwebs) and my only contact with the movie was through it being the page 1 of a cinema programme (I remember reading the title, reading the tagline and thinking "That actually has to be a good movie, I can't see it being page 1 with the plot that is outlined here, so it has to have some merit!")) you might consider that a bigger stretch than this sentence.

    What I do love it the good satire it brings forth, I now know everything important about Belle, Edward, Meyer's silblings and "sparkling vampire dental cesarian intersections committed while the subject is vomiting a fountain of blood".

    Also the unbeliveable unbeliveable comments (and the ammont of them) the writers of the aforementioned satire earn crack me up to no end. You'd think there can only be so much stereotype all-capital-letters bad grammar fangirl-dom "Let us read our books we have a right to read what we want you have no right to talk bad about what we like." contained on one site? Think again. I can't even tell whether the fact that it's nigh impossible to exaggerate this is funny or sad.
    Last edited by Nicodamus; 2009-07-08 at 12:46 PM.