Quote Originally Posted by kamikasei View Post
I suggest you post the fluff and the build as it stands.

There's an updated set of kobold racial stats - on the Wizards website I believe - which give them more natural attacks. You may want to just use those to get a more bestial character.
Ok. Thanks.

Story of Loreat Thric:

Story of Loreat Thric ("Die No" in Draconic)

The story of Loreat Thric is a short, but profound one. Loreat was the runt of a little in a kobold tribe's nursery. Knowing he would eventually be killed by either his siblings, or the keepers he managed fled into the wilderness as soon as he physically could.

What happened next was surprising, for Loreat (who still remained unnamed at the time) somehow managed to survive. Slowly over the years he began to grow more feral. His claws became stronger than that of a normal kobold's, for he needed to use them for everything from tearing bark from trees for kinder, to tearing up rotten logs looking for grobs to eat. Eventually he became stronger, and a skilled survivor. (aka this is where the Feral template comes in)

Although this is only based on Loreat's own words, for there was never anyone there to verify his claims, Loreat claims one day he received a vision of a great and powerful kobold. This kobold called himself Kurtulmak and claimed to be his god and creator. Loreat quickly fell to his knees before this great presence. He claims the great god told him he was finally proud of him, and that he would serve him as a leader of his people. He claims Kurtulmak then granted him current clerical powers and told him to lead a tribe of kobolds into prospurous times and expansion, either by founding his own tribe or taking a weak one by force for weakness among his kind displeases him.

After this this newly enlightened kobold to upon himself the name Loreat Thric, which means "Die No" in Draconic.

He is now on a mission to do as his god demanded, and to "civilize" himself in the process. In addition, he wishes to find his birth tribe, and either take it over or destroy it.

Nearly complete character (Have not done gear, though):