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    Firbolg in the Playground
    AstralFire's Avatar

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    Oct 2007

    Default Re: Avatar: Saga Edition

    Fort saves are a little too important (but only a little and it's easily rectified by throwing on some more important stuff on Reflex and Will) and right now I'm worried Will is going to be too marginal in this conversion, to the point that I'm actively grooming the thought of making Energybending just another type of bender, albeit a very rare one. There's precious little I can justify to myself as a Will effect on the bender front.

    The Force Power system is very good. The Force Power scaling is kinda bad; it works on the skill system, which I think is great for modeling NPCs and players who are competent at their job at 1st level, but was not intended to be scaling directly against the defenses. The end result is that a force-power focused Jedi starts out incredibly OP at low levels and evens out. I nip this in the bud here and I have easy to implement houserules in SWSE (link in sig) that do the same there.

    The only big issue with the Force Power system is that getting forms is a terrible pain if you're on low point buy and trying to make a gish Jedi. I suspect that was an intentional limitation for the above OP issues. I'm currently examining removing the Wis part of the equation for grabbing Force Powers/Bender forms; the issue is looking at where I can make it relevant elsewhere. I'm trying to juggle what amount of point buy this game should assume is default.
    Last edited by AstralFire; 2009-07-29 at 12:46 AM.

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