By the way, there is an idea for an OOTS banner that I have had.

See, in the I Would But... thread in SMBG, a running gag has developed from that post of people sacrificing maidens to moi, even though I'm a Gold.

Then, this conversation happened by PM.

Quote Originally Posted by horngeek
Quote Originally Posted by Atreyu the Masked LLama
Quote Originally Posted by horngeek
Quote Originally Posted by Atreyu the Masked LLama
I'm having a lot of fun reading your stuff in that thread.
I'm considering putting out the idea of making a banner with maidens tied up in the foreground, and my avvie with a confused look in the background.

Also, thanks. I seem to have hijacked it somewhat...
oh and banner idea sounds awesome.
For extra points could ask if it could be the various avvies of female members, but the just random maidens requires the least organising.

I can't draw it, though, so it'd have to be a commision...

Now, I have posted it in said thread, and Em Blackleaf liked the idea. She also suggested I announce it here.

So, who is willing to donate their avatars to be mistakenly be sacrificed to mine?

List so far is:

Em Blackleaf.