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Thread: Intent/Spirit of 3.5?

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Manchester NH

    Default Intent/Spirit of 3.5?

    So I was reading a review of Pathfinder (Here) and it got me thinking I know that Pazio was trying to make 3.75. As I know a lot of people even here are trying there hand at it (Fax specifically comes to mind). I here the term "there going against the spirit of 3.5" and creating radically different game then what d&d is.
    It seems hard to me to make fixes for a game that the company that created it can seem to agree on how things work.

    I understand that no System is perfect and that there will always be tweeks done by each gaming group.

    I guess what I'm asking is the following:
    What would a company have to do to gain your trust about making a 3.5 update?
    What are your opinions of the ones out there?
    Is there a List or a thread on some forum with a general list on agreed on issues with 3.5 ?( i know that is subjective but i mean a few things can be generaly agreed on. Monks aren't great, Wizards > sorcerers)
    I know the class Tier system is held in great regard here and on other sites as well.

    Any ways was thinking about this stuff and wanted to here others opinions.
    Last edited by RagnaroksChosen; 2009-08-05 at 02:53 PM. Reason: Added ? mark to title
    When the end comes i shall remember you.

    I sorry i fail Englimish...(appologise for Spelling/Grammer Errors) Please don't correct my spelling or grammer eaither.