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Thread: Intent/Spirit of 3.5?

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    Titan in the Playground
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default Re: Intent/Spirit of 3.5?

    Well the biggest complaint - casters vs. non-casters - is difficult to quantify since their abilities are so different. As for other things, I really wish people would use some numbers instead of so many opinions. I've run numbers on some things that were easier to test and found them to be exceptionally well balanced in spite of people's opinions. But then there are special abilities and what not that are much harder to test and who knows if they are or not.
    Last edited by ericgrau; 2009-08-05 at 10:34 PM.
    So you never have to interrupt a game to look up a rule again:
    My 3.5e Rules Cheat Sheets: Normal, With Consolidated Skill System
    TOGC's 3.5e Spell/etc Cards: rpgnow / drivethru rpg
    Utilities: Magic Item Shop Generator (Req. MS Excel), Balanced Low Magic Item System
    Printable Cardstock Dungeon Tiles and other terrain stuff (100 MB)