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Thread: Wasn't that movie great?

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    Cubey's Avatar

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    Default Re: Wasn't that movie great?

    I've seen this movie a longer while ago - was it 15 years? Maybe more, but then the film is only 16 years old and I've seen it in TV and not a cinema. Anyway...

    I don't remember it being as bad as critics (including Nostalgia Critic) make it to be. It was cheesy, (which is not necessarily a bad thing) and very different to any other Super Mario-related work (which is, although there were enough cameos and winks to prevent it from being totally unrelated). Overall, I wouldn't call it horrible. I wouldn't call it brilliant either. I'd call it FRIGGIN' WEIRD.

    Oh yeah, and calling the protagonists Mario Mario and Luigi Mario? Pretty stupid at first, but there's genius behind this idea. But, judging by an unfortunate line which Nostalgia Critic pointed out, they're brothers and ALSO father and son? Argh, this is so wrong pass me the brain bleach!

    And what's not to love about Raul Julia as Bison? He was the only good point of an otherwise horrible movie.
    Last edited by Cubey; 2009-08-12 at 09:56 AM.