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    Firbolg in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: Warhammer 40k III - Hats for the Hat Throne

    Thank you, Serlahc, for beating me to it.
    I was very nearly finished with my write-up after much head-scratching and rewriting, and then discovered that the Wargear page of my Codex is missing and I had no idea how much I was allowed to spend

    I'm betting it will be lowest, with Daemons in second.
    You could be right - unless Orks go horribly, horribly wrong, there's no way that Witchhunters will be less than 6,000 (They might make up half of that with Land Raiders alone....)

    If Forrestfire is doing Tau, that leaves Orks, Witchhunters and Dark Eldar to go!


    • Dark Eldar Archon, 100pts Wargear - 160
    • 9x Incubi w/Incubi Master & 100pts Wargear, 2x Dark lance & 2x Shredder, Raider - 448
    • Dark Eldar Archon, 100pts Wargear - 160
    • 9x Incubi w/Incubi Master & 100pts Wargear, 2x Dark lance & 2x Shredder, Raider - 448
    • 20 Wyches w/ Succubus & Weapons, 2x Shredder, Plasma Grenades, Haywire Grenades - 458
    • 20 Wyches w/ Succubus & Weapons, 2x Shredder, Plasma Grenades, Haywire Grenades - 458
    • 20 Wyches w/ Succubus & Weapons, 2x Shredder, Plasma Grenades, Haywire Grenades - 458
    • 20 Warriors w/2x Shredders & 2x Dark Lances, Sybarite & 100pts of wargear - 306
    • 20 Warriors w/2x Shredders & 2x Dark Lances, Sybarite & 100pts of wargear - 306
    • 20 Warriors w/2x Shredders & 2x Dark Lances, Sybarite & 100pts of wargear - 306
    • 20 Warriors w/2x Shredders & 2x Dark Lances, Sybarite & 100pts of wargear - 306
    • 20 Warriors w/2x Shredders & 2x Dark Lances, Sybarite & 100pts of wargear - 306
    • 20 Warriors w/2x Shredders & 2x Dark Lances, Sybarite & 100pts of wargear - 306
    • 10 Reaver Jetbikes w/Succubus & Wargear,2x Shredder - 446
    • 10 Reaver Jetbikes w/Succubus & Wargear,2x Shredder - 446
    • 10 Reaver Jetbikes w/Succubus & Wargear,2x Shredder - 446
    • 10 Dark Eldar Scourges w/4x Dark Lances & Sybarite w/Wargear - 366
    • 10 Dark Eldar Scourges w/4x Dark Lances & Sybarite w/Wargear - 366
    • 10 Dark Eldar Scourges w/4x Dark Lances & Sybarite w/Wargear - 366

    Total: 6862 points, which also beats Daemons despite being 7 years old.

    Edit: Orks and Witchhunters to go. This is turning out to be more interesting than I had expected, least of all because a full Regiment of Imperial Guard will cost more than their next two nearest competitiors combined:

    Imperial Guard - 24,594
    Space Marines - 11,100
    Chaos Space Marines - 10,935
    Tyranids - 8,928
    Tau - 8,626
    Daemonhunters - 8,473
    Eldar - 7,364
    Dark Eldar - 6,862
    Chaos Daemons - 6,485
    Necrons - 5,385

    Witchhunters - ????
    Orks - ????
    Last edited by Wraith; 2009-08-12 at 07:42 PM.
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