Gem Flower

Honestly, without hearing more details, it doesn't sound like you did anything wrong. You were being friendly, he precieved it as more, expressed interest, and you weren't interested in more. This is a fairly common occurance, especially at camps. I went to a TON of summer camps growing up, and hormones + being far from home with strangers + general summer camp atmosphere leads to a lot of crushing.

The thing that concerns me is his behavior. Stalking is NOT cool. My suggestion to you would be to say something to him. Make sure its just the 2 of you, but in some place open like a field or courtyard or other very visible place where no one can overhear you. Express yourself clearly that you are not interested in him like that and that his actions are making you uncomfortable. Stress that he is making you uncomfortable. Don't say anything to the others, or do anything that might embarass him publicly. If he doesn't stop, I'd recommend talking to one of the camp staff. They generally have people trained to handle things like this. Learning to deal with emotions and others emotions is a major part of growing up.

But shouldn't let anyone control your life. Address it maturely, and if you have issues, then seek help. I'd like to tell you this will be the last time in your life that people someone will misinterpret friendship as more, or fail to recognize more as friendship, but I can't. Thats life. People are funny like that. Its not your fault. Learn from this though. Don't be any less friendly or open or empathic to anyone, but learn to recognize when someone might be developing feelings you don't reciprocate so you can head it off before it becomes a problem.

Hope this helps! Enjoy camp!