Quote Originally Posted by MagicianMan5 View Post
how can a zombified dragon head have sex? dwell on that and give me an answer.
I was worried about saying it, thinking it might break the rules, but then I remembered that V said something similar.


Quote Originally Posted by Minion992929 View Post
As this appears to be slowing, might I suggest competitions? i.e, Dark Fiddler can suggest a pairing, and we all write it, then the winner suggests the next one, and so on.
For instance, a competition could be:
Half-orc/Dying in your arms challenge.
Write about two pairings of your choice, but must include the characters Bozzok, Thog and Therkla, set during the third book. Content must be at least four hundred words, and must contain character death of at least two major characters. Winner will be chosen by the issuer of challenge, or by popular vote, and gets to decide the next challenge.

Oh, and Dark Fiddler? Could you please add on the front page a disclaimer explaining that if you post it you are contractually obliged to write it?
These are both good ideas, I think I actually will do this. I will think of a contest.