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Thread: Crack Pairings Matchup Table

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    Default Re: Crack Pairings Matchup Table

    Quote Originally Posted by Zanaril View Post
    VxRC is disturbing. Admittedly, it is in a cute way that leaves me desparate to read more rather than reaching for the bleach, but it's still rather twisted and could turn out to be acid-soaking worthy.

    The really cracky ones just make me laugh.

    Also, can anyone help out someone who knows nothing about DnD and suggest an appropriate random encounter for the OOTS?

    EDIT: I just realised who Water-Smurf is. A BIG thumbs up for those VxBelkar fics.
    Through mountains, right? Let me check my DMG real quick.

    DMG suggests 1d3 Level 10 Barbarian Half-Orcs for a CR 11, but since OotS land isn't balanced, and they're higher level, give them 6 Level 14 Barbarian Orcs.
    Last edited by The Dark Fiddler; 2009-08-26 at 03:52 PM.
    It's been a bit, GitP. If you're reading this, you're either digging through old stuff, or I've posted for the first time in forever.

    If you want to stay in touch, reach out to me on twitter (same username).

    The best answer is always to ask your DM.
    Unless you're the DM, in which case you should talk to your players.