Quote Originally Posted by Kylarra View Post
I'm not really sold. The OP's previous statements and biting commentary on anyone that dares to not want to try GURPs are a pretty big turnoff for me. They say a product should sell itself, but when its primary proponent is rather offputting, the product isn't going to get much love there. So you may want to turn it down a few notches.
I second this, although I think its original wording is a bit insulting. Your original post is too enthusiastic, too many exclamation points, too much yelling. It's like the obnoxiousness of Billy Mays combined with the untrustworthiness of Vince Shlomi. I start to think you're hiding something, and begin to discount you as a fanboy and disbelieve your statements.

But enough of the negativity. I have supportive questions for you.
1) I only have the Characters book. How important is Campaigns?
2) How can I learn to play GURPS? I'm estranged from a real gaming group, and use PbP for most everything.