Hai guyz, I need computer help as well!

Ok, so I'm running my laptop with Windows Vista. I have an old hard drive from my old desktop. Its an 80 gig 3.5" IDE style hard drive that says something about NTFS. I recently bought an enclosure for it, so now it looks all purdy sitting on my desk. Plugging it into my USBII port, I start thumbing through it. Wow, lots of old crap on here. Well, after several hours of backing it all up on my lap top, I've decided I want to wipe it out completely so that I can use it to store random old files, music, porn, etc.

So...how do I go about doing that? Do I need to do anything special? I just want to purge it clean without any kind of operating system or partitions or anything on it and use it like a REALLY big thumb drive.

Since everyone else posts computer issues here, I figured I might as well too!

Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!