
Receiving the requested information from Fury PR-10000-IM nods and closes the channel.

Process: Nod – Unneeded physical motion – Analysis of meaning and reason for its implantation.
The information on the two people flashes through its mind. The name would be useful for any future communication with the Baroness: Anna Gast. Combined with analysis of her behavior it would seem unwise to communicate with her at this time. Turning its head to look at the Baroness daughter, now designated “Sara” it finds her lack of a name unusual. Per records on human procreation the naming of an offspring was one of the most proud moments of the birthing process. Not to have a name indicated that something is amiss.

Processing her question PR-10000-IM is about to reply but a stray through is generated. It had been speaking with its default vocal options which per information on human reactions would sound imposing and induces a feeling of fear. That would be unneeded when communicating with a little girl that was not a target to be attacked.

”Sara, GHASTs are not issued names. I was designated by your father as PR-10000-IM. Your mother is currently resting. Based on my records regarding mother/daughter relationships I would surmise that she will return once she has completed her rest cycle.”

Pausing in its reply PR-10000-IM realizes that further communication would in most probability be the appropriate action. It would keep ‘Sara’ occupied and provide it opportunity to determine what it could do to assist.

”Do you require anything? If not would you like to tell me about your friend?”