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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default tired of Drizzit Do Urden and his thousand clones.

    Ok, I'm sure plenty of people here have seen them, yet another drow ranger desperat to throw off the stereotypical evil descriptor. Ya know, I liked the book, thought the auther was great, but really, how many times do I sit down at as dm with a new guy and what do you know.....A drow ranger, and this guys asking me how much a figurine of wonderous power: onyx panther is. TOO MANY TIMES, 8 and counting, 9 after last night. Seriously, what is the appeal to this emo elf? As a dm with a non-underdark adventuring campaign with all human/dwarf/etc., races in mostly human lands, it gets a little fusturating to hear this guy go off that people should be afraid of him, hostile, and whatnot. Not to mention the groans from his fellow players as I try to accuratly portray NPC's hostile and distrusting to them because of the drow.

    So the above was more of a rant, and I'm sorry. A more serious question to the boards though. I've looked over Drizzit's stats in Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting. I have to say, I'm dissappointed. How the heck is he a CR 18. One on one with even some of the single class fighters of the same level would wollup this guy in 1-3 rounds tops.

    So what do you guys think? Why is Drizzit so often emulated? Is he good mechanicly? Whats the odds he could go up against half the builds the people on these forums come up with?
    Last edited by Korivan; 2009-09-19 at 06:42 PM.