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    Colossus in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Default Re: KataraAltinaII's Premature Not So Short & To-The-Point Random Banter #130

    You can't have a twelve line limerick or haiku anyway, so no worries there. Limericks are usually just 6, if I recall...

    My partner is a silly git
    observing this musicianship
    on par with a wet blanket,

    It makes me retch so
    his poor discernment
    in how he tunes his radio

    If he had any taste
    whether palate or ear
    he'd spit out this waste

    Dashing it across the rocks
    and heading to the music shoppe
    for something to truly take off socks

    A Pyrian Poem would not belong
    upon my funerary pyre

    Nay, 'twould far better be for it
    to adorn a tag, wrapped in pink

    Emblazoned with a salmon
    or a cute light lime

    Perhaps worn about the collar
    of a pretty little kitty

    Tabby I think, or at least a ginger
    purring all the while in hand, and

    Presented to a dear heart
    or at least an appropriate sissy.
    Last edited by Coidzor; 2009-09-28 at 11:02 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Keld Denar View Post
    +3 Girlfriend is totally unoptimized. You are better off with a +1 Keen Witty girlfriend and then appling Greater Magic Make-up to increase her enhancement bonus.
    To Do: Reboot and finish Riptide