Quote Originally Posted by Thanatos 51-50 View Post
Heroes, Vigilantes, and Villains, Incorporated - Part One
Wherein The subtitle is slightly pretentious

Starring: In various Personas:
Rabbit - Gadgeter and Necromancer
Thanatos - Gunslinger and Martial Artist
Jesse Drake! - Newbie and Winner of the Super-Hero Lottery
With Mention of the Grim Ranger.
Also a mention of Draken, who will speak in ALL CAPS! when he shows up.
The twisted and mangled phalanges of some poor, long-dead man rent through the air, mere centimeters from their target - a slim man in a black overcoat with eyes glowing like embers.
"Is that all, Lady Rabbit?" he asked as he leveled a simple, clean small-caliber pistol and blew away the skull from the bones. At least the poor victim's spirit was no longer attached, just his body, just animated by the other's will.
Across the rooftop, partially obscured by mist from crashing waves stood Lady Rabbit, in her purple tailcoat and black top hat. "You know my hearts not into it right now, Thanny-boy. Things at headquarters have gotten a bit slow. We need some new blood, you know? Liven the place up." she rambled conversationally as she flung a carrot-shaped grenade through the air, which was casually dodged and air-burst harmlessly over the ocean.
"I know what you mean," the man retorted as he dashed across the rooftops and telegraphed a wide, slow-flying hook which was easily blocked.
"Hey, which one of us is supposed to lose, again?"

"You, my dear. Enjoy the hospital stay."
"Still on for lunch of Friday?"
"Wouldn't miss it."
That Saturday, the same man, apparently unbruised and wearing a fine business suit instead of the trench coat smiled amiably at the same woman, who was wear her gym clothes and appeared to have just got off the treadmill.
"You have a new Hero. Finally, someone to fight Grim for a bit. He's waiting for you in Conference room Three for his Power Judging, Interview, and arrangement of his first battle."
"Introductory - new guy wins. Whos his opponent?"
"You, actually. You're going through your dark age before we fake your death, remember? Dramatic decline, to lead to your eventual death biting off more you can chew at Draken, where he 'kills' you and you come back to conquer some deep-seated psychological hurdle, all the stronger and a better Hero for it."
"How droll and cliche. we need to hire better writers."
"Your merchandising revenue is slipping. You need to hire better marketing consultants."

The be-suited Thanatos slipped inside conference room three where what appeared to be a normal, everyday man was sitting quietly. Thanatos looked crestfallen.
"We already have a "Normal" You'd be edging in on his marketing."
He joked as he extended his hand.
"Thanatos, aforementioned 'Normal'. In charge of new hires. How may I help you."
The newcomer looked outright insulted. With a brief moment of thought he flew up into the air, unsupported by gadgets or whiz-bangs. An honest Super, it seemed.
"I'm no normal! I'm Jesse Drake, the power of a Dragon in the body of a man! I'm strong,I'm fast, I fly, I friggin' breathe fire!" He proclaimed. "Don't call me normal, because I'm too awesome to be normal!"
"You also don't have a costume or speech colour."
"I know, I'm sorry. I need a little help."

"Don't worry about it kid. You're in for a long weekend, though..."

Yay, crappy introductory part one done!
/drinks copious amounts of caffiene.
Sleepy brain no worky good.
Yay, super hero crash course! A genuine hero indeed. Just try not to put him in tights, or if you must, have him protest it.