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Thread: An Acceptable Evil

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    Default Re: An Acceptable Evil

    Versuras (lit. "The Betrayer"):

    EiVersuras was, once upon a millenia ago, a powerful Priest who specialized in death and healing magics. Not producing undead, mind, but rather he focused on the ebb and flow of life, the study of this tide, and how best to control it for his people's benefit. He was also quite ambitious, and when the four high-priests decided that they would sacrifice themselves to seal off the nameless evil, was one of the front runners in the civil war that determined who the successors of the theocracy would be. Eventually he lost to his dear friend Llanaar, a master of the elements, and took up a position as Llanaar's right-hand man, all grudges of the civil war forgotten.

    Still, the high-priests had not managed to eradicate the evil, but merely hold it at bay. Llanaar was as headstrong as EiVersuras, but also less cautious. He believed he could end the threat that the nameless evil posed... and for good. To protect the world and eradicate, once and for all, misfortune amongst its people.

    EiVersuras disagreed. Eiversuras believed that there was no way to eradicate the evil, correctly believing that the current priests were nothing compared to the old high-priests, who had been unable to eradicate this evil. There were a great many debates in the hall of the high council, until the final vote. Three for Llanaar's plan, with only EiVersuras opposed.

    So that night, EiVersuras snuck into Llanaar's chambers, and used his mastery over death to kill his best friend. Then, for fear of another of the priests merely taking Llanaar's place, he systematically killed off each of the hundred remaining priests in one night. Finishing the last and absorbing their life energy into himself just before dawn, he found himself on the eastern gate of the empire as the sun rose. Magically, he amplified his voice.

    "I have killed the priests, and I have betrayed my friends. As the final remaining priest, I pass this judgment to myself: that I am hereby exiled from the Great Empire, and stripped of my title and place amongst the Priests. I am no longer EiVersuras, but Versuras instead."

    With that he lept off the hundred-foot-high wall, and landed on the other side, fleeing before the Empire's army would mobilize. It is said that the whole empire heard his voice that day, and indeed shortly afterwords Versuras was caught by an entire legion on a hill in the eastern reserve. He quickly and succinctly decimated the troops, leaving no survivors.

    These days he wanders the earth, also known as "The Warlock," the mysterious leader of a large cabal of wizards dedicated to the protection of the Empire. He is immortal, keeping death at bay by taking life, and continues to do so to this day. He looks for the chosen one, the hero who can eventually take down the nameless evil, so that he might die fulfilling the final wish of his best friend: that the nameless evil be destroyed.

    Versuras is very patient, but he views all of his followers as exceedingly expendable. If he ever finds the chosen one, however, he will treat that individual as better than his son. He's extremely disdainful to anyone who he feels is "foolish," and is exceedingly protective of any who he deems his "students." Everything he does is done for one goal: to finally get peace in his soul so that he can kill himself and reach the afterlife promised him by his god should he defeat the nameless evil.

    By the by, lawful evil.

    Also, Princess Ialana, Heir to the Barony of Hohenheim, Vice Governor of (I forget the province), and King of the Goblins

    Princess Ialana was exiled from her homeland because she refused to partake in an arranged marriage. She murdered her husband-to-be because it seemed to her she had no other way, and that murder was simply expedient. As punishment, she was exiled (not executed because she was a princess).

    Off she sailed and in a far-away continent, she began collecting titles, and becoming an extremely well-known assassin. To this day, people tremble in fear at the thought of The Goblin King.

    How is she likeable you ask? Well, as the Vice Governor of (province) she is constantly taking steps to assure the continued prospering of the province, and also (since she came from a ren-tech level area and is now in a midevil-tech area) is very focused on proper nutrition. Since she has assumed control of the province (the Governor is normally unfit to lead, and only gets worse depending on his mood) she has promised, and delivered, balanced diets to all of her subjects.

    Still, her subjects are little more than slaves, robbed blind (by her, of course) and then somehow arrested for a crime, shipped south to work off their fines, after which they mostly remain because, well, they have no money to move back. At the same time, she pays rather well, so they don't have much cause to complain... except maybe that they're being paid with their old money from before she robbed them...

    This one, despite the intricate plans she weaves, is very much Chaotic Evil. Her maxim is "Shoot first, then shoot again to make sure it's dead, the make the Necromancer rip the soul from the afterlife and bind it to its skull. Then, if I need to know something, I'll start asking questions."
    Last edited by Superglucose; 2009-10-09 at 06:46 PM.