Quote Originally Posted by Jesse Drake View Post
Tale of Ozaria part 4

New Characters Introduced

Crimmy as The Crimson Mage- A small mage with crimson attire. Though not much is being revealed right now.
Recaiden as The Old Toymaker- This old woman may be more than she seems.
Grim Ranger as The Grey Ranger- A mechanical man built for some purpose. Some call him heartless.

Tale of Ozaria

"Wake up, and see what you truly are." A sweet voice stung Freighters young ears. He peered down and almost screamed. His flesh had become deathly pale.

"What did you do to me?" He roared. The area of the wounds were stitched up, jagged. And the skin around them became a sickly purple. As he yelled, the stitched areas began to seep blood and other various fluids.

"Shhh." The whispered voice felt like acid. "Soon, you'll be fine. Soon, you'll cross over." It wasn't often she had live subjects. Razarra intended to have some fun.


Elizabeth and Dakes escaped the forest with not a scratch on them. "So, they really pick on you everyday!" The monster nodded slowly. "Well, I think that's terrible."

"Well, you seemed to scare them. How'd you do that?" The monster scratched his head.

"Oh, with my gun!" She smiled and waved her M-60 in the air. "Oh, but I suppose I should be conserving ammo. I don't know when I'll be able to stock up again."

"Ammo? Uh, like arrows? Cause I think I might know someone who may be able to make you some arrows probably."

"No, not arrows. Bullets."

"Bolts? Cause he can make arrows, bolts, spears, daggers. Whatever. He just waves his hand and 'poof!', whatever you might need."

"Wait. You know someone who can create ammo out of thin air?"

The monster looked startled. "Um... maybe? I don't know. I think I do know him, but I have no clue who he is. Or her, actually. Ya know, I'm not sure if he was a guy. I don't know. Weird, huh?"

"It's not his fault." laughed a tiny man up in a tree. He wore a large musketeer styled crimson hat with a white feather in it. "After what Razarra did to him, hell, she got a lot of us, but after what she did to him, I'm surprised he's still around."

The figure flipped to the ground. He wore matching crimson robes... and stood only three feet tall. His face was concealed in shadows, and two yellow eyes shone out from beneath his hat. After a moment, he laughed "Dakes, my buddy. How are you?"

"Who are you?" asked Dakes, befuddled.

"You really don't remember me pal. Well, I didn't think you would. But I can say, its your magic that's keeping us here."

Dakes grabbed his head. He had a flash of something.

The crimson man shook his staff at Dakes. "You, my friend. I cannot help you, unless you remember. So good luck. I'll be around." He waved his staff around, then struck the ground, and teleported in a small cloud of dust.

Dakes looked at Elizabeth. "Boy, I don't know what he was talking about." It was mostly true. "It was nothing. I don't know those people, or that little man. That was just a dream or something."

Elizabeth's mind wandered. Then it went back to the crimson mage. "How cute was he! Just jumping around and waving his little stick, and 'poof', he went away." A fair bit of insanity had set in- but calmly. "Boy, this is exactly what I signed up for- seeing new places, meeting new people. I kinda like it here."

"That's good. I like you here. None of the mannequins or marionettes tried to hurt me." He smiled wide. It was kinda creepy.

"Oh." Elizabeth's ears perked up. "Do you hear that? Just up ahead." Dakes listened. He too heard a series of low grunts. Though they were somewhat mechanical.

They drew close to find a hooded man, with dark gray arms, otherwise fully cloaked. In each hand were large scimitars, and before him were several tall and thin creatures. There coloration shades of brown and green. They were very... limber. The weird man spun and swung his blades around, cutting down several of his foes. "Come on, we have to help him!" Called Elizabeth to Dakes.

The man took several hits, and each one clanged against him and otherwise didn't phase him. "He seems to have things taken care of by himself." The man took some more hits, then moved forward and struck again. "Come on, let's go this way. I know a shortcut."

"Shortcut where?" Then, the mechanical man faltered for a moment. Just one step back, making him miss one swing, and then he was up again and fighting. "There! See, he needs help!"

Elizabeth charged forward, pistol drawn, and then as she got closer, put a hot one in the center of one of the tree-things. "Ooh, nice shot! What is that?" Elizabeth didn't answer, but it was a nice shot. The tree thing splintered.

The tree creatures started moving in to the other new foe. But the gray creature smashed them with his heavy blades. But still, some managed to get around him. They drew in close.

Dakes smashed an oncoming treefolk with a mighty paw. Then roared and took on another. And with several well placed shot, Elizabeth picked off several of them, trying to keep a distance.

Then the pistol ran out of ammo. She went to reload, but another tree thing drew closer. She tried to pistol whip it, but it's tough bark skin knocked the gun outta her hand. And she banged her hand up something terrible. Dakes couldn't help either, for he was engaged with a few limber willow like foes.

The tree drew back a large limb, and got ready to clobber Elizabeth. Then a flash leapt behind him, and came down right behind him. As it fell, the creature's limb fell too. Then another blade cut through it's center. The creature fell.

Standing before her was a thin metallic man, his joints clunky and unrefined. His face was oddly scarred, and his eyes glew a deep red.

"Don't hurt her!" Roared Dakes, finishing off the last of his foes. He got ready to pounce, but Elizabeth lifted her hand.

"No. He's not gonna." Elizabeth called, staring in awe. It looked kinda angry, but more hurt than anything else. "He doesn't seem to have anything wrong with him. Those tree things musta hurt him." She backed away for a moment. "What is this?"

Dakes looked at Elizabeth, addled. "I don't know." He replied, in a very curious tone.

"It's a war machine dummy!" Called the Book Imp. "Now, put your weapons down, hand over the weapon you stole, and I'll let you live."

"Huh?" Elizabeth thinks back. The dagger Bane handed her, with the piece of The Blue Spectre in it. She'd never hand it over.
At last! Muahahahaaa!!!

Good work, Jesse!