Quote Originally Posted by Fiery Diamond View Post
Lena is an example of a character that if I were a player, I would abandon any larger plot to focus entirely on trying to redeem. Kadi is understandable, actually, but I would hate to be around her because of her abrasive nature and acidic humor. I probably wouldn't try too hard to catch her for the murders, because frankly, I think she's right that they deserve it.
I was actually pretty impressed that my players managed to win her over. The main tanks tend to be "hit first, second, and third, then ask questions later while they're tied up and bleeding" types, so I figured they'd end up battering the poor little bard around. But the first time she showed up after they met her grandfather, they were like "hey let's chat" and managed to make convincing enough arguments to at least confuse her. The next conversation they have with her will be tricky... she's confused, which makes her angry, and unless they can convince her otherwise, she might blame the party for confusing her nice simple worldview.

If they do shift her to neutral, I'd like to figure out a way to have her catch up with the party again later in the campaign that doesn't seem really trite or silly, just so they can feel kind of rewarded for Doing Good.