Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
Which ten books (sci - fi/fantasy related) would you take with you to a desert island? An island from which you will never return for various, unexplained reasons.
Interesting. Off the top of my head:

1. Complete Works of Shakespeare (Some of the plays have fantasy elements. I say it counts.)
2. American Gods - Neil Gaiman
3. Good Omens - Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman
4. Dune - Frank Herbert
5. Doctor Faustus and Other Plays - Christopher Marlowe (Again, fantasy elements: in Faustus)
6. I, Robot - Isaac Asimov

7... If I continue stretching the restrictions with things that are just related through some of the contents, I can find some big collection of poetry that includes Hunting of the Snark, along with other good stuff. Ooh, poetry - that reminds me:

8. Paradise Lost - John Milton
9. Watchmen - Alan Moore

10... Does Nation count as fantasy/sci-fi related?

Rereading this list is slightly painful. There are so many books I love which aren't on it. I can't match Curly's collection of books, but I have a decent number and I've read considerably more. To be restricted to 10 would be horrible, even if they were really good.