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    Default Re: Crack Pairings II - Brain Bleach not Supplied

    Quote Originally Posted by ClericOfBelker View Post
    Psst! You have to write it in Letter Form!

    *You Got Mail*

    Loopy Letters No. 3: Belkar

    Dear Crack Writers

    I am actually happy with you... unless you wrote me with a MALE!!! In which case I will TRACK YOU DOWN AND FEED YOU YOUR OWN INTERNAL ORGANS!!!


    PS: And guess which organ/s will be 1st!
    Redcloak seems very OOC. Love will do that to you, though.

    Also, I love what I called MReav's table in the table section. "Mooks and Minions". Somebody needs to make this as a d20 game.
    Last edited by The Dark Fiddler; 2009-10-15 at 04:47 PM.
    It's been a bit, GitP. If you're reading this, you're either digging through old stuff, or I've posted for the first time in forever.

    If you want to stay in touch, reach out to me on twitter (same username).

    The best answer is always to ask your DM.
    Unless you're the DM, in which case you should talk to your players.