Recently my gaming group has decided that we get to build ourselves some items similar to the Legacy Weapons from the similarly titled book. The basic idea is that you get an additional +1 (equivalent) ability every other level from level 2 to level 20.

There are a couple of rules that we are following:
1) Equivalent enhancement cannot exceed +10
2) There is no price penalty for stacking different abilities or placing them on a non-associated body slot
3) Spells that are cast only on a critical hit are 20% the price of spells that are cast on hit
4) You do not get a discount for having crafting feats or crafting related things. Price items as if you were purchasing them.
5) There are no XP costs for crafting

Due to the mixture of +X enhancements and cash priced abilities, it's slightly easier to convert enhancements to cash. Armor enhancements are totaled, squared and multiplied by 1000. Weapon enhancements are totaled, squared and multiplied by 2000. So a +4 equivalent armor would be 16k and a +4 equivalent weapon would be 32k. Adding another +1 equivalent to each would cost 9k and 18k, respectively.

Example: Armor
L2: +1 Mithral Chain Shirt
L4: +1 Blinding Mithral Chain Shirt
L6: +1 Blinding Light Fortification Mithral Chain Shirt
L8: +1 Blinding Retaliating Light Fortification Mithral Chain Shirt
L10: +1 Blinding Retaliating Medium Fortification Mithral Chain Shirt
L12: +1 Invisible Blinding Retaliating Medium Fortification Mithral Chain Shirt
L14: +1 Invisible Blinding Retaliating Heavy Fortification Mithral Chain Shirt of Stealth +5
L16: +1 Invisible Blinding Retaliating Heavy Fortification Mithral Chain Shirt of Stealth +10, Dimension Door 1/day
L18: +1 Invisible Blinding Retaliating Heavy Fortification Mithral Chain Shirt of Stealth +10, Dimension Door at will
L20: +1 Invisible Blinding Retaliating Heavy Fortification Mithral Chain Shirt of Stealth +20, Dimension Door at will

Example: Weapon

L2 +1 Cold Iron Longspear
L4 +1 Cold Iron Longspear of Acid
L6 +1 Cold Iron Longspear of Acid
L8 +1 Holy Cold Iron Longspear of Acid
L10 +1 Sacred Holy Cold Iron Longspear of Acid, Holy
L12 +1 Sacred Blessed Holy Cold Iron Longspear of Acid
L14 +1 Sacred Blessed Holy Cold Iron Longspear of Acid Burst
L16 +1 Sacred Blessed Holy Cold Iron Longspear of Acid Burst and Holy Surge
L18 +1 Harming Sacred Blessed Holy Cold Iron Longspear of Acid Burst and Holy Surge
L20 +1 Harming Blessed Holy Cold Iron Longspear of Acid Burst, Holy Surge and Sacred Burst

Harming: casts Harm on crit

So, now I'm curious, how would you spend your 200k on a leveling armor/weapon?

For simplicity, values at each level are spoiler'd below.

{table]Level|Gold Value|Enh Value