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    Firbolg in the Playground
    Cristo Meyers's Avatar

    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Re: Fears 3: Full Circle - Game Started at Post 88

    Game Over

    The last Fear hits the ground dead. There was no hesitation anymore, any mercy or compassion the survivors may have had for the unfortunate souls has been burned away by the crucible of fire they had just been through.

    But nothing happened when the body dissolved away. The doors were still jammed shut. The windows wouldn't break, even when shot. They were still trapped.

    So what now? One of the SEU spoke up. Just wait to starve?

    There's a way out. There has to be. A voice spoke from the shadow, dodging the dying sunlight. We'll find it. There's nothing holding us here.

    We have questions for you when we get out, Marsh.

    Oh please, can't we let the posturing go until we're out of here?

    The scattered survivors gathered in the Main Room to look for a way out. While the large double doors leading out weren't open, the old heavy oak doors on the opposite wall were wide open. The gathered survivors tried pushing open the double doors, but they still refused to budge even a millimeter. Not a one was willing to go into the inky blackness beyond the other door.

    The room started to grow hot. Something was gathering in the middle of the room. The SEU readied their weapons, ready to spend what little ammo they had left. An apparition of a young woman appeared in the room.

    Use the other door. I'm going to end this.

    The SEU lowered their weapons, recognizing Gabrielle's face from the briefing.

    How do we know we can trust you?

    In about fifteen seconds you're not going to have any choice. I'm going to burn this place to the ground from the inside out. It'll kill everything. The other door will lead out...eventually.


    Just don't stop until you reach the other side.

    The room was growing hotter by the second, though there were no visible flames.

    Go now or become ash.

    The heat started to become unbearable. The survivors didn't hesitate. The group ran through the door just as smoldering bits of the Manor started to fall around them.

    Finally over...

    The heavy door closed behind the last of the survivors, trapping them all in total darkness. The blackness was almost solid, taking effort to force a way through it. The group pushed forward through the dark.

    Faces stared back at them from the dark: some familiar, some not. Voices urged them onwards, pushing them towards escape. Something stopped their progress: a wall. Groping in the darkness revealed a door handle. Together the survivors pulled on the door...

    ...the door spilled open with no resistance. The dying sunlight poured into the darkness, revealing the outside world. The sun was just beginning to set. One by one the survivors went through the doorway into the outside world.

    Behind them, the Pegasus Manor was collapsing in on itself. It wasn't long before all that was left was a smoking ruin. Any sense of malevolence was gone from the place, burned away from the core outward. Not only was the Manor gone now, but whatever power had been behind it was gone: destroyed finally. It was over.

    The dying rays of sunlight felt warm and welcoming, exactly what one would expect from a normal spring night.

    Mustiado was killed. He was the final Fear. The game has ended in a victory for the village.

    Player List:

    {table=head]Player|Killed On|Role
    Aemoh|Night 4|Victim
    Andre Fairchilde|Day 5|Victim
    banjo1985|Night 5|Victim
    banthesun|Night 14|Victim
    Coplantor|Day 9|Falcon
    DD the Cookiemonster|Day 1|Victim
    Dirk Kris|Night 12|Victim
    Dr. Bath|Night 1|SEU
    EnrgeticPenguin|Day 3|Victim
    evnafets|Night 2|Victim
    Fin|Day 5|Victim
    Fleeing Coward|Day 2|Fear
    FujinAkari|Day 14|Fear
    happyturtle|Day 4|Fear
    Harley|Day 13|Victim
    Helgraf|Night 7|Victim
    Hyozo|Night 3|Victim
    Irbis|Day 7|Victim
    Jontom Xire|Day 3|Victim
    Lex-Kat|Day 12|Victim
    Mordokai|Day 11|Fear
    Murska|Night 6|Victim
    Oddity|Night 9|Gabrielle
    Opeth Freak|Day 8|Victim
    Reinholdt|Night 11|Snyder
    smellie_hippie|Night 13|SEU
    SweetLikeLemons||SEU Medic
    TheBookworm|Day 4|Victim
    ThePhantom|Day 13|Victim
    Trixie|Day 6|Fear
    Uncle Festy||Master
    Vampiric|Day 4|Victim
    Zar Peter||Victim
    Last edited by Cristo Meyers; 2009-10-30 at 07:56 PM.