Okay! Today is a good day! I did really well on my Latin test and Math test, I think I did well on my History test, I'm feeling good for the Physics lab tomorrow, AND a new comic is up!

So I'm gonna go, do my homework, then pop back in here!

*Looks at Latin homework* Okay, it's 20-line translation of one of Horace's odes...Okay, it's an erotic one. I can deal with that, Catullus was probably worse.

(Note that the translation textbook we use has the text on one side and the vocab used in translating the text on the other)

*Takes a look at the vocab found in the text*

Neck, rosy, supple, swell, liquid, cheek, slip, a certain sexual organ, slow, deeply, soften, burn, pure, wild, press upon, lip, continuing, roughly, kiss, sexual activity, fill, three times, more, unbroken, bond, tear apart.



...............Well then.