Quote Originally Posted by Bayar
It is a web enhancement for an official book. It has only kobold related stuff. It is valid to use it.
That isn't a universally accepted premise. Web enhancements are often distrusted.

Stereotypical kobolds are subhuman creatures living in the earth to be used only as cannon fodder. Crank up the reality a little bit and you get a race living in well-defended and trapped tunnels, with an organized magic system. Crank up the reality a little bit more and you get Tucker's Kobolds. Crank up the reality a little bit more and you realize that between fast maturation, the ability to subsist on any organic matter, and perpetual and universal racial unity and pride; kobolds are overpowered.

Instant racial unity? Universal confidence? Hunger as a non-issue? A childhood a third of the length of a human's and a longer lifespan? Massively quick breeding? Wizards went a little overboard buffing the "puny" kobolds. Their psychology is unrealistic, and their physiology more so (but they tend to get off easy on the "physiology" point due to the prevalence of monsters). If you give them the benefits of civilization on top of their monster powers, of course they can overpower the outmoded little gnomes/humans/whatever.