Slight thread detail, I read a post earlier today by someone who said something about breeding spider's for poison. Doesn't work since spiders are vicious cannibals who require a large amount of space and solitude to survive. Why we don't breed them now for their silk (they also don't make very much, points aside), which is considerably better than silk as it would have us all walking around in nearly indestructible, bulletproof T-shirts. (slight exaggeration)

sorry, back on track

Perhaps stick to poisonous frogs and mushrooms :P Given that bullfrogs can lay up to 20000 eggs in a clutch that'll mature in a year, with the fantasy equivalent, the warren doesn't have to have been around for decades to have a huge supply of poison..

Hey! they could use all that extra water from the water decanters every body has been talking about to raise the tadpoles!