Hello all,

I have never played GURPS fantasy, and only played GURPS modern one time, so I am very much a beginner.

I am planning on playing a mage, and am toying around with the character generator. What has gotten me stuck is the spells. There is oodles pf spells, and I have no idea as to what amounts as a good or bad spell in GURPS.

I usually go for flavour before power, but the group I am playing with is kind of powergamers, but mostly they have played GURPS alot, and will probably have very efficient characters.

First, I was thinking of consentrating on only one school of magic. It will make it easier, and also it could give my mamge some more flavour. But on the other hand, I really like diversity. Thats why I love mages. =)

What do you think? Wich schools are subpar? Is there some schools that you cant live without? If I dont choose to specialise, are there any spells that are must have?

All suggestions are welcome. Please help me fellow playgrounders. =)