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    Bugbear in the Playground

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    May 2008
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    Default Re: Cascade Failure (Aurethius' Exalted) [IC]


    Tick 12--Partheo, Moulsha [Inactive], Roaring Tiger, Serilia
    Tick 13--Lotus, Kyushin
    Tick 14--War Ghosts, Shugotenshi
    Tick 15--Kaliel
    Tick 16--Radiance, Mei Mei
    Tick 17--Roaring Tiger

    I'm not going to write an action for Kyushin, since his PDV is high enough to avoid the attack. Partheo might just kill it out of hand, though the new form has extremely high soak values...10 successes against DDV 7, so a total of 5 damage dice. Tiger's already taken 8 HL of damage, but has a lot of -2s. Let's see how this goes...


    Ouch, low roll...that's 9 HL of damage total. The roiling vortex of evil is still in it! For the record, Tiger's not wearing armor so piercing is not applicable. He's got massive stamina plus some bonuses from Necromancy.

    For mote regeneration, Mei Mei gets a two die stunt, but a die of Paradox for breaking her cover.

    Radiance gets a two die stunt for bringing in her long-standing struggle with the Void. Very appropriate.

    Kaliel and Partheo get two die stunts because of their cutting rejoinders.

    Moulsha gets a two die stunt because he's being really awesome for a mortal. This may mean that he didn't get hit, in which case he gets an action. If so, just treat my description below as flavor text.

    The Exalts easily avoid the grasping hands--even Taigong Wang manages to scurry out of their grasp--but the mortals are not so lucky. Melodious Dawn screams as the hands engulf her and rip her off her feet. She's dragged two yards closer to the mouth of the Void. Moulsha's struggle keeps him on his feet, but several of the hands evade his guard and manage to latch on to him.

    Then Partheo steps in. His mighty blade slashes deep into the roiling mass, and for a moment it seems as if the golden light of the Dawn will dispel the darkness of the Vod...but then the gate surges back. Twisted tentacle hands swarm up around Partheo's blade, swamping the light and surging up towards the warrior.


    Moulsha will be able to contest the grapple on Tiger's next turn, if he did indeed get grappled.

    Lotus is up next, unless Moulsha evaded the grapple in which case he's up. Then it's Kyushin and Kaliel.

    The tentacles get a counterattack on Partheo, but I'll have to roll that in Kyushin's post.

    Last edited by Horatio@Bridge; 2009-11-16 at 12:59 PM.
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