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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Mar 2008

    Default Re: Perenelle's Pleasantly Playful and Passionately Peculiar Random Banter #133

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    Yeah, her reasoning behind wanting them (besides being pretty awesome) is that there was a production (or film?) in c. 1992 that had them and she loved it.
    I don't know for certain if they'll have them just yet, but we should find out on Saturday.
    Hope you do come, but like I said, there's always another production next term.

    I might come up and see your Pinafore then, late February should be easy to manage, middle of term, just a day or so. I'll definitely think about it.
    Big issue is how much I'm willing to pay to get there. Suddenly I see why learning to drive might have been useful...
    And yay! As I'm playing Ralph I think everyone should come see my fabulous performance. And as I'm the society treasurer I think everyone should come give us their money.

    @^: I don't know exactly what that means but it sounds awesome.

    ION: Next wednesday I'm singing in this. Just got the email with the music. Not much for the choir to do, but should be fun, and since before I got asked to be in it I was planning to go see it...
    Last edited by Thufir; 2009-11-17 at 12:27 PM.
    "'But there's still such a lot to be done...'