Quote Originally Posted by Masterclick View Post
I'm not very good on balance and other stuff, but it doesn't really make sense to me to have a PrC to be something you've been trained from childhood to do. I feel that PrC are something you pick up after you've gained experience and extends beyond what you normally learn from a class.
Seconded. Childhood training/backstory is typically included in either a template or a base class. The requirement also prevents people who see your class from applying it to their existing characters...

I'm not too much for balance either, but the Magic Mirror abilities shoot balance in the face, scalp it, and prance around to show off their prize. As it stands, assuming I plan my character around entry early off and enter the class at level 6 (earliest option), I will have a level 10 character that is completely immune to magic. Doesn't matter the level, simply doesn't work... unless it's 8th level, which is left out, but I'm guessing that's a typo...

My suggestion is to expand this into a base class, or allow it as substitution levels for another class of your liking (such as rogue), as well as to remove or severely nerf the Magic Mirror ability series.

Other than that, it looks good to me. The abilities match what little I know of the fluff, and the weapon, while powerful, isn't too game breaking.

Keep up the good work