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Thread: Mord'Sith [3.5] Base Class- PEACH

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Feb 2006

    Default Re: Mord'Sith [3.5] PrC - PEACH

    Quote Originally Posted by Jogi View Post
    About Magic Mirror: The 8th level thing was a typo - 9th is the level meant to be out. Sorry, but I didn't really had much time to balance it. So, anyone thinks I should make it dependable on caster level? Also, if this is to be turned into a base class, the 8th level would be around 20's abilities.
    That's not really a solution, I'm afraid. You're giving them absolute blanket immunity to an entire class feature. It's similar to a class getting a capstone ability of (DR 75/-); sure, uberchargers and the biggest monsters can still put a dent in you, but 999 out of 1000 relevant foes are completely unable to hurt you. The fact that it becomes an offensive power as well is just too much.

    I'd make two adjustments. The first is that I'd make it a contested roll, in the manner of a counterspell or similar mechanic. The second is that I'd limit the ability to locking down one spellcaster/spell-like-user at a time; while you're concentrating on one fellow's powers you can't stop another one. To balance that, I'd cause that one successful attempt to lock down the caster for a while rather than just stop one spell. Hmm. On reflection, this might be best modeled as a one-sided supernatural grappling match: the caster cannot expend spell slots or use spell-like abilities until they succeed in a harder contested roll they can attempt once per round, and the attempt automatically allows the Mord'Sith to inflict damage on them. Say, 1 hit point per Mord'Sith level per attempt, and allow the Mord'Sith to choose whether the damage type is lethal or non-lethal.

    I think a mechanic along these lines would have several advantages. It would be more balanced, as spellcasters significantly above your level will not fall prey so easily, and will escape more quickly if they do. It would give the class significantly more of a team-player role, since the entire group benefits from locking down an enemy caster. And it's about the same in terms of matching the source material; while it wasn't so easy to escape the Mord'Sith, they didn't walk around reflecting fireballs back at their enemies either.

    EDIT: If you're going to make this a 20-level class, you could have the character learn to stop different things as they level up: at 1, spellcasting. At 5, spell-like abilities. At 10, they can depower a magical item used against them and force the wielder into their 'grapple.' And so on.

    About the saves: so, should I have them get a +1 every 4 levels (Assuming it's now a base class)?
    Huh. I'm not sure. +9 on two saves in five levels was way too much; an inherent +5/+5 bonus by level 20 doesn't seem so bad. It would depend on what else they get.
    Last edited by Lapak; 2009-11-23 at 01:57 PM.