Quote Originally Posted by Jogi View Post
Hmm, but if only people who are trained can feel suffer it wouldn't be like the original Agiel would it? I mean, in the original agiel physical contact seems to enough. Touch attacks, hmmm, yeah, might work.

Oh I love the ability damage idea. I'll certainly add it. Continuous damage would be kinda hard to make I think, but intense pain is sure to be included.
Well bear in mind i haven't seen the series so it might have changed from the books. But there are several times when the mord sith have the agiel in close proximity, even while naked(iirc correctly denna even has it resting between her bare breasts before the end of sword of truth), that don't trigger the pain. Same is true for Richard later on, it only hurts him when he actually grasps it, not while its hanging from his neck. Nor does Denna's Agiel hurt Violet while Violet is using it on richard.

Denna's Agiel hurts richard during the breaking obviously. And afterwards it hurts him. Denna's Agiel hurts Denna because it was the Agiel used to train her as a mord sith.

Using it to inflict pain hurts the target. But it only hurts the wielder if the wielder has suffered under it as a target previously.

As for the bleeding.. well iirc i think 3rd edition actually had damage based bleeding rules, in 3.5 thats mostly handled by things like wounding which is 1 con damage on hit.