Aright, normal game, need a way to reliably kill a level 17 kender sorc DMPC.

My character:
Grey Elf Elven Generalist(Storm Domain) Wizard 5/Incantatrix 3.
All spells of 4th level or lower are known. I do mean all.
I have a decent collection of about 30 low level scrolls and potions, as well as five eternal wands, and a few regular wands(including a CL 10 wand of Dispel Magic).
Wearing belt of healing, body and head parts of the veil set, and gloves of the starry sky. Plenty of stat boosts attached, resulting in a save DC of 22 for 4th level spells.
I have Fell Drain, Extend, and Persist as my metamagic feats. I also have the lightening reserve feat.
My saves are +5/+8/+14, unbuffed. At least, if, theoretically, I ever were unbuffed.
I'm damn near broke.

My party:
1xNoob Druid.
1xNoob Barb. He dies a lot.
1xRogue/homebrewed skillmonkey class. Good miss chance and skill optimization, great weaponry.
1xRogue/Assassin/Shadowdancer. Moderately competent.

The opponent:
Level 17 demonically possessed Kender Sorc.
Known spells on list: Flesh to Stone, Wall of Force(which he can cast through, oddly enough), Magic Missile, Knock, Teleport(or some other variant in this line), Alter self, and some spell that alters others. Contingency. True Seeing. Silence. He has Silent Spell, and can cast MM spells without taking a full round action.

In the last encounter, I drained eight levels off him, so it's possible he may be weaker in the next fight. He typically uses a Contingent teleport set to half hp.

I know he has less than 100hp, via PW:Pain usage. However, this was after a minor melee hit, so it's possible he has slightly more. He also puts out some pretty decently high save DC spells.

How do I kill him, or better yet, incapacitate him for sure? SoD spam is tempting, but I have no way to ensure that the DM doesn't fudge them, and frankly, phantasmal killer's dual saves are chancy business in the first place. Hp damage isn't likely great due to the contingency, unless I have some way of guaranteeing a huge spike in damage. Be aware that most of my party blindly attack hp regardless, and only the skill monkey rogue can put out hp damage comparable to my blasting(This is a bit sad, actually, since Im not optimized for blasting). The silence/silent spell is a real pain, as is the force wall he can cast through. Dispell ends up being used a lot, but Ive been relying on the expensive wand for the higher CL(I haven't faced him yet at lvl 8, having just dinged). My current tactic is fell drained PW:Pain's.