He doesn't sleep round us, unfortunately. I would have CdGed him long ago.

Surrendering won't work, as he doesn't consider himself to be fighting us...just "having fun" with us. No, this doesn't make sense to me either.

Silencing him won't do anything thanks to his silent spell(and the fact that I lack it), unfortunately. Dimensional Anchor, though...that's good. I forgot that was 4th level, frankly. Between that and my newfound ability to boost allied caster's spells, that's not bad. He's frankly not that fast, and I always have fly up, so it's not as if he can run away from me. Or the druid or barb.

Hmm, so once pinned, do we just kill him immediately, or wait 24hrs for level drain checks, then continue draining until he runs dry? More complicated, but amazingly permanent.