Quote Originally Posted by Alteran View Post
Really, I'd be happy with any kind of mythical beast. Dragon, pheonix, basilisk, anything like that would be fine. Although if I had to pick one, I'd pick a narwhal. They're basically sea unicorns, so I think it's clear that they're the best possible Christmas gift.

Or if that's infeasible, eternal life would be okay. I guess.
Hmmm... I'll get back to you on that one, okay?

While you're waiting, have some snuggles and hot chocolate.

Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
I'm tired and worn out.

Schizophrenic people are just exhausting.
Hot chocolate and a comfy bed for you too. No, not my bed, silly. Now get your mind out of the gutter! The Auntie Goddess ITP commands it, and will give you stern, faintly threatening looks until you do.