I was thinking of throwing a lvl 16 shadar-kai rogue pc class, with dailies, encounter powers level appropriate magic items, etc (basically a pc character) at our 4 person lvl 12 group. We have a swordmage, archer ranger, artificer, and a wizard. Will it be hard enough? Too hard? etc.. I'm thinking to keep the Hp the same since the assassin will be wearing displacer armor (roll two d20s take lower result to hit) This is the final boss to them trying to find the legendary assasin who took out a contract for the king, who the players work for. Suggestion on changes etc... I like using the pc class cause i want him to hit HARD, maybe drop two characters in a few turns, and then escape to be that good old reaccuring villian. However if the fight lasts longer I do not want to be saying he's doing the same attacks over and over. THis guy is suppose to be legendary, not boring. Also any ideas on terrain, additional foes, etc for the final battle. I haven't set up a place yet so anything in or around the FR city of Luskan is doable.