Quote Originally Posted by lesser_minion View Post

In general, I'd expect the interstellar drive to work without any complications as far as navigational issues are concerned. Saying that, most interstellar drives would have operators who would almost certainly have the same kind of influence and effect on the story as your navigators - either psychic, or at least very strange. I don't think a computer would really do very well at handling something as bizarre as an FTL drive.
True, on a spaceship (as it is with any sufficiently complicated machine) there are multiple vital systems and persons. One thing falls and you're in serious trouble. This means, that with a very large ship, with thousands of people, there are too many high priority targets for the security to reliably look after. Following: if players know, that something nasty is going to happen (for example catch a loose note about a planned sabotage), they won't be able to just fortify in few key structural points (with all important persons) and run a tedious and time-consuming security scan of the whole crew. They will have to actively hunt down potential criminals.