Quote Originally Posted by chiasaur11 View Post

Sorry for going a little off topic, but are there any major inspirations for the AI you had in mind?

I only ask because I feel Durandal is well worth looking up for reference for any artificial intelligence shenanigans.

Ah nice question, I'm a studying to be a narrative designer for games and i'm basically prototyping a story for a video game with this:

I'm trying to blow apart the stereotypical AI archetype (shodan, Hal, GlaDOS, C3PO), while reinforcing just how monumentally powerful one would be

Imagine The Joker, meets Zero (Code Geass), meets a tochcoma from Ghost in the shell.
This AI character is all about theatrics, He will grind a city to a halt just to prove a point, and is trying to get mankind to remember just what it is.
He calls himself Loki.

So... yeah, i've been building this world in my head and on paper for months and I need a system to put it in asap before my head e'spoldes XD