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Thread: Crack Pairings IV - You Can't Unread It

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    Orc in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Land of Clocks and Stars

    Default Re: Crack Pairings IV - You Can't Unread It

    Ancient Black Dragon + Miko
    Unrequited love + Love potion


    I, Miko Miyazaki, the newest recruit of the sapphire guard, was on a mission. I was to vanquish an evil black dragon who had inhabited a swamp near my beloved azure city. I had been charged with destroying it.
    As I neared the swamp, I noticed an acidic reek in the air. I assumed that it was the evilness of the black dragon. Or maybe the moldy cheese in my pack, but probably the evil.
    Inside the swamp, I noticed a large trail, as if some dragon-like beast had been here. As I followed the trail, I started hearing some small, mewling noises. I noticed a cave. The noises seemed to come from inside it. I peered inside the cave, and there was the dragon with some of its babies. I silently withdrew some of my throwing knives, and prepared to throw them. I noticed that I only had enough knives to end all but one of the litter. as I prepared to throw them, the mother noticed me. Seeing that I was about to kill her babies, she roared at me. I threw my knives, but didn't wait to see if they hit their marks. I jumped out and drew my sword, and rushed into the cave. All of a sudden, a hidden door slammed shut. as I turned around, a strange pink gas filled the cave. I felt myself getting drowsy...
    I woke up, and the most beautiful black dragon I had ever seen was in a steel room with me. I felt myself moving toward the dragon, undressing...
    the next thing I remembered, I was in a hospital, 9 months later. aches and pains were going through my stomach, and suddenly, several winged, black... things popped out. I returned to Azure City as soon as possible and purchased a memory spell, to forget the events.

    also rolled
    (Daigo + (Crystal + (Gender-switched Xykon)) + Soon Kim (incorporeal)) + Windstriker
    Pregnancy (use male pregnancy if needed) + Kidnapped (By somebody inside or outside of the pairing)

    All of the Demon Roaches at once + (Yor + (Gender-switched The Guy with a halberd))
    Love/hate relationship
    Last edited by mizzim; 2009-12-10 at 08:21 PM.
    Politics is the most accurate word in the English language. "Poli" in Latin meaning "Many" and
    "tics" meaning "little insects"