Today has been peculiar at times. F'r'instance, my sister came back from her Ten Tors training on the moors today with cow dung on her hat of all places. And covered in mud and grass all over.
Also, she told us they didn't get a place on the Ten Tors proper so we spent all that money on Army-standard camping equipment and more all for nothing! Almost one hundred and fifty pounds we couldn't afford to spend.

At least she had fun, and she's going ice-skating tomorrow. Or is it Friday? Can't really remember, but I'm pretty sure it's tomorrow. Unless that's when she has to hand in the form . . .
It's official. My memory is on holiday.
Anyway! She's doing shopping in an actual city some time this week. So she'll be having more fun.

So, I'm watching some weird Christmas film called Mickey's Once Upon A Christmas and it's actually more like three short cartoons. One for Mickey and Minnie, one for Goofy and son and one for Donald, the nephews and Daisy.
Which got me wondering.
Donald and Daisy are dating or in love or something. They're clearly a couple.
Huey, Dewey and Louie call Donald Uncle Donald.
They also call Daisy Aunt Daisy.
Leading to to following problem: how are Donald and Daisy linked? And how are they related to the boys?

1. They're both related to the triplets, but one from the maternal side and one from the paternal. So dating, and even marriage isn't really an issue.
2. Donald and Daisy themselves are related. This is bad romance-wise.
3. Donald and Daisy were once married, but divorced or separated, so Daisy only married into the family. So maybe they're trying to get back together?
4. Daisy's an honourary Aunt pending official marriage into the family.

I don't know why I'm putting so much thought into this. I really don't. And the only non-incest thing that makes sense is 4. with 3. being a possibility; but the divorcees trying to get back together doesn't seem to fit.
Why am I bothering to think about how two fictitious, animated ducks are related?