Quote Originally Posted by Introbulus View Post
*snippage of amazement*

Oh my, that's a lot of work and possibilities. Donald DUck geek.

Quote Originally Posted by Thufir View Post
So you're basically fine in all respects that matter then?

Seriously though, ow.
Yeah, I'm pretty much fine. :smalltonuge:
Washing the hand and doing the tweezers thing was pretty darn painful though. Had to get all the mud off, and couldn't be bothered to go to the bathroom for soap so I used Fairy Liquid. Ow.
I'll get over it in a day or so.

Quote Originally Posted by Thufir View Post
For me the worst is if it's icy and slippy. Because I have rather good balance, so I'm unaccustomed to being even remotely cautious while walking. But if there's ice I can make a step which would be fine under sensible circumstances but which doesn't work when I can't trust my foot to stay on the piece of ground I put it on.
Ditto. I have remarkably good balance (at times), and I'm confident enough in my footing to walk backwards down streets and roads I've seldom been on, or pavements which are busy and not have to look around much.
So slippy mud is so unnerving.
Especially the mud where you don't slip until you start the forawrd motion so what you were certain was sound footing turns out not to be.