Quote Originally Posted by Introbulus View Post
:o Does this mean it's time for the blue feather? Yes, Harvest Moon Reference
You should be ashamed.


...and I should be ashamed for getting the reference without looking at the white text...

Next time, I'm picking a topic that I actually DO know pretty well, like video games or um...the history of Scrooge McDuck? Something other than Blogging for sure. <.<; (I should have known that my sudden and almost passing interest in it wouldn't carry me through the whole thing.)
Remind me to tell you someday about how pretty nearly 75% of the essays I wrote my Junior and Senior years of University were all about Silent Hill in one way or another

@Koorly: Aww... Don't be embarrassed, Koorly (Even if it is somewhat funny). Every deity has their weakness. I am sure that even the mighty Phase of the lunar cosmology, or the unflappable DragonRider of um...riding dragons...would be brought down by such a "sweet", as you so call it.

I mean, at least you got to see the look on your brother's face when he tried it too. >w< *snirk* That had to be worth something, yes?
There are few greater pleasures than being immune to a sour candy and then watching a friend try one.

Though, from the sound of things, those things probably would've put me on the floor...