Night fell, crashing on top of the head of the Wicked Witch of the East. All she could think was that it hurt. A lot. She screamed. Loudly. No one answered her call. No one.
Her sister? No.
Her monkey? No.
Her minions? No.
That treacherous Nome? No.
So the Wicked Witch of the East screamed again.
And then she woke up.

It was the middle of the night, and the Wicked Witch of the East was in a foul temper. A nightmare, as usual. Ever since she was squashed by that house, the nightmares kept coming back. And this time she woke up in the dark. the Wicked Witch decided to vent her anger. So she grabbed a knife and marched out of her castle and into the hut next door. There she found a happily sleeping munchkin, whom she promptly eviscerated. And she was right, she felt a lot better. And so she walked back to her palace and went to sleep.

Kyouhen was killed, he was a munchkin (villager).
Day 2 begins and ends in ~48 hours. Get voting!