Well, I'm posting here because this is the place I know. This is the core of the Fancomics section, in my opinion. It's not to get attention, it's because I'm not so sure where else to post this. So I'm just going to say that I'm withdrawing from the Fancomics section.

'I'm going to stop reading the comics here, and stop posting. I need more time in my life, and I'm not getting any. I've always wanted to be more active in the Town and the Homebrews section, but the comics here have prevented that. I need more time.

If I manage to get the backstory comic out, I will put it up here and post on it, but otherwise, I'm out. It's not that much of a big deal, of course, but I just thought I'd make it clear: I'm not coming back to ABR. I saw a few comments after my good-bye post, and they kind of depressed me. So I'm just going to oblige, here. I'm not going to come back within a week, I'm not doing this to get attention, and I'm not trying to whine. I'm not 'peeking through the window', I'm not making much ado about nothing. I'm not going to stay in a place where I'm not wanted.

But I'm pretty content now. I'm sorry for getting off-topic, some of the comments below mine upset me. I thought I'd sleep on it before this posts so that it wouldn't get personal, but I just read them again when looking up my own post, and I got mad all over again.

I'm kind of wasting my time here, actually. Most people must have thought me a troll when I said I was leaving, and ignored me. But I thought I'd pay this place some respect. It was a great comic for the very reasons people say it deteriorated. I loved the confusion, the many subplots. In trying to control it and avoid subplots, I hope the plots themselves will survive.
Good luck, and I mean it. No grudges this time.