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Thread: Crack Pairings V - We Revel in Infamy

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    CapedLuigiYoshi's Avatar

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    Feb 2009
    Right here, duh

    Default Re: Crack Pairings V - We Revel in Infamy

    It's amazing how you guys are still going. I remember when this was just a little table that had less than a third of the named characters in the strip. Now you have an entire fanon spread over 4.1 threads!

    Now, since you probably don't remember, last time I posted in one of these threads (sometime between late 3rd and mid-4th) I Shadow Cly rolled up Lien/Lien and promised to write it up. So why has the story not appeared yet? I'd say it's due to my old friend Procrastination.

    I have no idea how to do this outside of "Shadow Cly is fooling around and brings together two Liens from different universes", so literally no progress has been made. In the meantime, though, enjoy this picture I put together in about 10 minutes:


    Edit: And no, neither of them are up for being shipped. I can see Shadow Cly volunteering to help out with shipping (namely, being the one to change people's genders), but both don't have much romantic interest for themselves.
    Last edited by CapedLuigiYoshi; 2009-12-30 at 10:53 PM.
    Pseudo-Luigi of the Solt Lorkyurg Fanclub.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sgeo View Post
    So Vaarsuvius is an Epic Whatsit now. "Whatsit". I think I like that term.